Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How Many?

Yes, Mom, were you here, you would be telling me, "You shoulda___", but i didnt, so now i have a cold. Not dabilitating, but annoying enough to test my patience. NO matter, back to the subject. How many people can say they have gotten Anat Hoffman to back down? not too many, im sure, but i'm one of the few, the proud, the naggy.

After a disturbing complaint from my friend that Anat had made a point that certain people should not wear Tzit Tzit (which my friend does), i decided to talk to "the Hoffman". She is, needless to say, intimidating, because of her hard-headedness, and her drive, yet still, the fearless (and humble) person that i am, i decided to approach her.

"anat, do you think women should wear Tzit Tzit?"
i don't remember her exact response, but it was along the lines of - if someone is not consistent in waking up for shacharit, and wearing t'fillin, and all that jazz, then that couldn't possibly mean they are serious and have the ability to fully appreciate the mitzvah of wearing Tzit Tzit. This is a valid point, but i responsed, "says who?".

I guess this got her and she said, "ok, you're right ZImmerman, i might have been thinking wrongly in the time i said it beforehand".


Also, interesting part of "how do you say Tikkun Olam in Hebrew" - the Elective that i have with Anat, she was baffled as to the lack of celebration and festivity for 4th of July. She brings up a point. Yes, this is a Jewish Camp, for Jewish Leadership, but still - this is AMERICA. where are the fireworks, where is the pledge of allegiance? - Yes, there are miniscule american flags posted variously around camp, and yes, there is a movie called "independance Day" playing - mind you, it's about aliens taking over, and its playing during our free time. Canada Day got more publicity.

The MinHash - the daily collection of articles and announcements handed out during lunch - doesn't mention the significance of the day, except for the date on the top left corner, right next to the hebrew word of the day - Balagan - a mess.

I'm not too bent out of shape about this, but its something to ponder.

I'monna go try to get some rest.

1 comment:

Ely said...

I think you've hit on some of the characteristics of a truly great and humble leader.

Anat has often been willing to take strong moral/ethical stands based on her sense of what is right and wrong especially when faced with contradictory institutionalized autority .

In this sense she is confident in her personal authority and because many agree with her (myself often included) it posititions her as a true leader.

However, her willingness to entertain other points of view, especially ones which contradict her own previous statements, as you experienced, is a sign of her humility. The fact that she would accept your perspective and relinquish her own says she continues to be a student and is thus also a great teacher.

She has lots to teach, not just on topics but in who she is.

Interested in the combination of dynamic leadership and humility? You've got a great teacher right in front of you.