Tuesday, July 10, 2007


What is it...monday?, tuesday acutally, my bad. Its tuesday and i am supremely tired. It's maybe 97 degrees today, with about 87% humidity, making walking much like wading through a swamp.

Rachel Wolman, Wolf, DRC, Jeremy and I decided to pull a prank, which involved a nighttime seniors '08 Dance Party in the tennis courts. Also, to prevent geese deficating on the Kutz Campus's grounds, black wooden wolves were set up to scare them. We decided to put swimming suits on them, and also chalk up all of the walkways with various 'senior' statements. We had everything cleared, with our RA's, and Shmirah (night watch), but it was suggested by one of the faculty to not wake people up at 12:45 at night, but at 5 in the morning. I opposed this idea, but i figured, whatevvs. So we go to sleep, and at 4 in the morning, Zi, DRC and I got up and woke WOlf and other people up. As it got lighter, we got some more people to the tennis courts, and Mar and i decided to wake up the Bayit's, which involved me going into the boys cabins and waking them up and inviting them to the dance party in a nice, yet loud way. Needless to say that werent too enthused with the idea of a crazy man disturbing their slumber and making them go outside at an ungodly hour. one particular phrase i heard while in there was, "GET THE #### OUT OF MY CABIN, I'M GOING TO ####### KILL YOU BENNY!". Simple yet eloquent. Thats when i left. I guess i got carried away a little bit because i forgot the rule that participants arent allowed into other participants cabins.
In the end, we got like 30 people or something, but it was kinda a lame prank. I claim full responsibility for the actions took, but not a lot for the general ideas. I ended up with all of B5 and B6 hating me, and 2 or 3 people chasing me around for 'bout a half an hour, with the intent to harm. A chase is not the first thing i want to do with regard to the weather.
Next in my day of tiredness, i go to the Tower for 3 hours, climbing and belaying, without respite. <-- probaly spelled that wrong.
I gotta go do things, hopefully i got a package.

PS - my day is nothing compared to the AVodah, so any Avodaniks who read this, i hope you understand that i get how hard it is for you - thanks!

Rollin Out

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