Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Who Woulda Thunk it?

I guess, since i have time now, and i feel the need, i'm going to do the cliche and reflect.

Yesterday we went to the Rally for the release of Gilad Shalit, Ehud Goldwasser, and Eldad Regev. I think it's important that we were there, for numbers sake. Other than that, i've never been one for the 'ra ra ra sis boom ba' emotional and purposeful chanting. I mean, if compelled and in a fun manner, i'm all for it, but "Free him now!" is a little bit too intense for me.
Today i stole DS's (David Singer) Glasses, and they sit beside me now. I'm excited to see if he'll tackle me or ask me nicely.
Programming: I've been really disappointed with the programming this session of Kutz. I don't know if its different programming, or i'm more aware of things, but i'm bored and un-inspired by them. Last year, i was always excited to go to program, because it was inevitably interesting, and i learned a lot and was challenged, not so so far. I hope next session is better.
Next Session: I'm really excited to see the new group of people, i think next session will be a good one, i'm ready for the change.

Last year at Kutz, i Grew, with a capitol G. I discovered a lot about myself, and who i want to be - jewishly. I don't know about this year so much. I absolutely love Kutz, and it is my current favorite place in the world, yet i think that this session was more about socially growing and learning how to deal with problems. That may be important, but i'm looking for jewish stuff. I approached DS to ask him to go through T'fillah - weekday, weeknight, and shabbat, and teach me about it. Also, i approached Josh Morris to teach me Jewish History - the only way i'm going to learn it if i pursue it myself.

Last day of camp - tear.


Rabbi Jill Zimmerman said...

Hey Benny. I love that you are reflecting and how appropriate on the last day of camp. I think you are still "growing" even in the "down time". Sometimes growth is really recognizable and intense and other times it happens slowly and surreptitiously. And actually, reflection time is essential (I think) to really let what one's been learning and experiencing to sink in and settle down in your soul. Keep writing - and keep reflecting. LOVE mom

Rabbi Jill Zimmerman said...

Benny - I'm leaving a message here for you. Please call. We need to book your flight home and want to know if you still want to stop in Chicago and for how long. We have to do it in the next day or so -- so please get in touch with us right away. Love Mom