Friday, July 27, 2007


Here at the URJ Kutz Campus for Reform Jewish Teen Life, everyone has a major, in which they spent 2 hours of the morning. I'm in Teva, which in hebrew means Nature. This program is supposed to give us an appreciation of Nature through Jewish Values and such, plus we get to go on 2 camping trips, one river rafting, and the other rock climbing. Yesterday and the night prior was the river rafting trip, where 6 people per raft would float downriver for about 9 miles. Unfortunately, we forgot about the power of the sun, and none of us wore sun tan lotion. I find myself burned on just on and around the kneecaps, a very specific, and intense burn which is not comfortable in any way. Also my shoulders got pretty red, so, i'm in pain to say the least.

Oh i forgot: One of the israeli kids, Itai (pronounced ee-tie) is kind of a joker and has been giving me wedgies, and random, unnecessecary, painful and annoying chest pumps, much like one preforming CPR. So, as a result, i decided to give him a present. I duct taped him to his bed, along with my friend Micah. first, he was sucure, and all was well, but then a kid from the cabin Itai is in came into our bunk and told us he woke up, tore all the duct tape off, and was swearing in hebrew. In retrospect, i think this would have been a good time to call a quits, but no, Micah and I decided to tape him again. So, Itai sleeps on the top bunk, and another israeli, Tom, sleeps on the bottom. Micah and I taped up Itai mostly, until he woke up - Shit. SO instantly Micah and I jump onto Toms bed, and wait, trying to hold in our hysterical laughter - but to no avail. During the times when we could control our laughter, we just heard ripping sounds coming from above us, and each time we heard this, we started laughing harder. Once again, stupidly, after 5 minutes of silence, we started taping him again, we should have waited for him to get into a deeper sleep. After the 1st piece of tape, he jumps up and starts yelling, and i run to go hide in a corner, and micah hides in the most obvious and stupid spots, the bathroom - a dead end. Itai gets down from his bed, and walks into the bathroom, fuming, and thankfully passing me without seeing me. Apparently he tried to throw a punch as micah. Finally Itai leaves the bathroom, goes up to his bunk, and micah and i leave scared shitless.
Its like 2:30 in the morning, and we are to scared to sleep, so we go and hang out outside of our bunk, on the steps. Oddly, the ever present shmirah (night watch) wasn't anywhere do be seen, so Micah and i walked around a little bit. We're like 30 feet from the door of the cabins, and we turn to see a the siloughette of a very angry and tired israeli - apparently he couldnt sleep, and was still pissed. He came outside yelling in hebrew and english, and started throwing rocks at micah. I start yelling in hebrew that he didnt do anything and it was all me, so he comes over and tries to kick me, which i dodged, but he still got a good punch in on my arm. FInally after a while of tellling him to chill out in multiple languages and he leaves. That was my night.

2 nights ago, as we were camping at the river, i had a really nice conversation with Simone, one of my good friends sisters. It was about the Comprehensive Web of Reality. This i will explain later, but for now i have to go and get somtin to eat.

PS. COmment on my posts, i dont have a whole lot of communication with the outside world.


Ely said...

I believe the makers of Duct Tape give an annual award for innovative uses of Duct Tape. Securing a sleeping Israeli to a bunk bed would probably be in a class by itself and might be eligible for such an award. You might check it out.
Love, Dad.

storiesbyely said...


I am sitting and work laughing so loud people are looking at me and I am sure I will get in trouble for this. But that has to be the funniest prank. You did a great job telling the story... it reminds me of a time when in college (I suggest you try this when you get there) when I filled three BIG cups full of water and leaned them against a friends door. So when they opened it... a tsunami rushed in. It's a great prank and you need to try it!

storiesbyely said...

By the way mom and dad went to laguna to stay at david's for the weekend. I just talked to mom last night and she informed me that she went boogie boarding-- and I think dad did as well. Would you have not paid a MILLION dollars to see mom do that? P.S. found a new place to eat that you will love... all I think that I need to say is: filet mignon medallions filled with dungeness crab.