Friday, July 27, 2007


Here at the URJ Kutz Campus for Reform Jewish Teen Life, everyone has a major, in which they spent 2 hours of the morning. I'm in Teva, which in hebrew means Nature. This program is supposed to give us an appreciation of Nature through Jewish Values and such, plus we get to go on 2 camping trips, one river rafting, and the other rock climbing. Yesterday and the night prior was the river rafting trip, where 6 people per raft would float downriver for about 9 miles. Unfortunately, we forgot about the power of the sun, and none of us wore sun tan lotion. I find myself burned on just on and around the kneecaps, a very specific, and intense burn which is not comfortable in any way. Also my shoulders got pretty red, so, i'm in pain to say the least.

Oh i forgot: One of the israeli kids, Itai (pronounced ee-tie) is kind of a joker and has been giving me wedgies, and random, unnecessecary, painful and annoying chest pumps, much like one preforming CPR. So, as a result, i decided to give him a present. I duct taped him to his bed, along with my friend Micah. first, he was sucure, and all was well, but then a kid from the cabin Itai is in came into our bunk and told us he woke up, tore all the duct tape off, and was swearing in hebrew. In retrospect, i think this would have been a good time to call a quits, but no, Micah and I decided to tape him again. So, Itai sleeps on the top bunk, and another israeli, Tom, sleeps on the bottom. Micah and I taped up Itai mostly, until he woke up - Shit. SO instantly Micah and I jump onto Toms bed, and wait, trying to hold in our hysterical laughter - but to no avail. During the times when we could control our laughter, we just heard ripping sounds coming from above us, and each time we heard this, we started laughing harder. Once again, stupidly, after 5 minutes of silence, we started taping him again, we should have waited for him to get into a deeper sleep. After the 1st piece of tape, he jumps up and starts yelling, and i run to go hide in a corner, and micah hides in the most obvious and stupid spots, the bathroom - a dead end. Itai gets down from his bed, and walks into the bathroom, fuming, and thankfully passing me without seeing me. Apparently he tried to throw a punch as micah. Finally Itai leaves the bathroom, goes up to his bunk, and micah and i leave scared shitless.
Its like 2:30 in the morning, and we are to scared to sleep, so we go and hang out outside of our bunk, on the steps. Oddly, the ever present shmirah (night watch) wasn't anywhere do be seen, so Micah and i walked around a little bit. We're like 30 feet from the door of the cabins, and we turn to see a the siloughette of a very angry and tired israeli - apparently he couldnt sleep, and was still pissed. He came outside yelling in hebrew and english, and started throwing rocks at micah. I start yelling in hebrew that he didnt do anything and it was all me, so he comes over and tries to kick me, which i dodged, but he still got a good punch in on my arm. FInally after a while of tellling him to chill out in multiple languages and he leaves. That was my night.

2 nights ago, as we were camping at the river, i had a really nice conversation with Simone, one of my good friends sisters. It was about the Comprehensive Web of Reality. This i will explain later, but for now i have to go and get somtin to eat.

PS. COmment on my posts, i dont have a whole lot of communication with the outside world.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tisha B-Av

Today is TIsha B-Av, or the 9th of Av. its kind of a holiday...i guess. Basically, this is friday the 13th for jews. Both the 2nd and 1st temples were destroyed on this day, not to mention - Jerusalem was leveled and the Bar Kochbah Revolt failed. One is supposed to fast today, which is what i am doing, but also, i'm trying a new thing. The way i see it - if all these people have died and all this bad stuff has happened, the least i can do is deny myself something i'm used to. I'm going to try to be Shomeir Negiah - basically not hug or kiss people (hard for me, and for those around me). I hope people understand, and i hope people disagree, so that i can learn their point of view in contrast to mine - hokey, i know.

Last night, Seth Gordon-Lipkin, one of our RA's put on his angry face. He probaly has one of the best angry faces i've seen - ever. For those of you who don't know, an angry face is when you look and act angry and pissed off, but aren't really, you just do it to scare the shit out of people and set them in line. In the midst of him giving us a 'talkin to', he asked us a question: Why are you here? I had an answer, but i wasn't prompted so i didnt want to ruin his flow.

I'm here to learn and grow. Once again, hokey, but i find that sometimes hokey is true. I want, that by the end of the summer, i will be a different person for the better.

I been thinking about one of my core philosophies of life - everyone has a contribution to make to this world, and we can learn from EVERY single person. Wait, those 2 go in seperate paragraphs, ok - 1st, everyone has a contribution to make to the world: If anyone hasn't ever heard of the butterfly effect, its the idea that a butterfly can land on a leaf in africa, and cause a hurricaine in the united states, basically one chain of events leading to another to another to another until it finally ends up severly effecting the world. Same thing goes with people. One Smile, one word, can end up saving a life. In that sense, every person has an infinite value, and when one person dies, the world loses. This last sentence was prompted by a friend who told me they were contemplating all the different ways to commit suicide, so this was part of my argument against suicide.

My next core philosophy is that we can learn from everyone. Wether it be something someone says say, or do that makes us think, or question our beliefs, its good. I try my best to find that thing in everyone, what they can teach me, and what i can learn from them.

Aight imonna go socialize. Rollin out

Sunday, July 22, 2007


its 6:20 and dinner is at 6:30 so i kinda have to speed things up a bit. 2nd session is already 2 or 3 days in, and i think i'm thriving. Some really good old friends have come back, and i'm working on building new one. Already just about everyone knows my name, and from what i hear, i seem to have a good rep. I'm in the Teva Major, which includes 2 camping trips, one which is river rafting, and one rock climbing - so i'm excited for those, but so far, the major has just been about random jewish quotes and trees - which is not exactly intellectually stimulating. In David Singers class, i'm forced to think - its good for me. On that subject, i had a good talk with DS the other day about how people are sheep untul they are notified of it - in reagards to judaism and observance and prayer. Also i came up with a really good metaphor for prayer using a rubiks cube.

One more thing - there are like 5 israeli campers this session, 3 guys, and 2 girls. I've gotten REALLY close to the guys, they're fun to hang out with - and as a plus i can practice my hebrew.

Gotta go, hope its not lasagna.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Who Woulda Thunk it?

I guess, since i have time now, and i feel the need, i'm going to do the cliche and reflect.

Yesterday we went to the Rally for the release of Gilad Shalit, Ehud Goldwasser, and Eldad Regev. I think it's important that we were there, for numbers sake. Other than that, i've never been one for the 'ra ra ra sis boom ba' emotional and purposeful chanting. I mean, if compelled and in a fun manner, i'm all for it, but "Free him now!" is a little bit too intense for me.
Today i stole DS's (David Singer) Glasses, and they sit beside me now. I'm excited to see if he'll tackle me or ask me nicely.
Programming: I've been really disappointed with the programming this session of Kutz. I don't know if its different programming, or i'm more aware of things, but i'm bored and un-inspired by them. Last year, i was always excited to go to program, because it was inevitably interesting, and i learned a lot and was challenged, not so so far. I hope next session is better.
Next Session: I'm really excited to see the new group of people, i think next session will be a good one, i'm ready for the change.

Last year at Kutz, i Grew, with a capitol G. I discovered a lot about myself, and who i want to be - jewishly. I don't know about this year so much. I absolutely love Kutz, and it is my current favorite place in the world, yet i think that this session was more about socially growing and learning how to deal with problems. That may be important, but i'm looking for jewish stuff. I approached DS to ask him to go through T'fillah - weekday, weeknight, and shabbat, and teach me about it. Also, i approached Josh Morris to teach me Jewish History - the only way i'm going to learn it if i pursue it myself.

Last day of camp - tear.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I wish Hebrew could be directly translated to English, because the only way i can describe the way i feel right now is "ain lee koach". It basically means - I don't have the energy/strength/willpower, not as succinct and easy as ain lee koach.

Its like the 4th to last day of Camp - first session -, and i am kinda ready for it to end. I LOVE the kids this session, they're amazing and wonderful, but there has been so much drama, and, being the person that i am, people apporach me with their problems. I'm totally fine with being someones shoulder to cry on, and i'm ALWAYS there for a friend if they need someone, but i think i've reached a point. There have been soooooo many problems, big and little, that have been going on, and i've played a role in and helped out with, but theres only so much one can deal with. At least 4 times throughout the day - every day, i am approached by different people with life-issues, let alone the small "she said that he said that i said" and "i like him but she likes him too" problems. It tires me out.

I AM aware that all of the above was flat out whining, but i think i'm entitled to it, i havent been doing too much of it.

I think the solution is just to chill out, be alone for a while, and if someone asks for my help with a problem, just tell them that before i can help with their problems, i have to deal with mine.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Excuse me, can i ask you a question? No.

Yesterday was Trip Day. I was scheduled to go to the Central Park Zoo, and then the show Stomp.
First, after breafast, we had a hour and a half Torah Service, which ended up being a bat mitzvah for a girl who never had had one - it was cute. When she finished reading torah, candies were passed out to pelt at her (a terrible tradition in my mind), and i ate mine.
We get to the Central Park Zoo, all 20 of us, and then we had to figure out what our groups were (the URJ Kutz Campus for Reform Jewish Teen Life requires everyone on trip day to be in a group of 4 or more). My group was a group of 12, and we called ourselves the Red Team. I, played the important role of Red Team Leader, who #1, dictated where the group would go, and instigated the red team count off with, "Red Team Leader 1" followed by 2, 3, and eventually "12 and last". It was cute.
When it was time to leave and get on the bus, we left the Zoo, and hung out at i think 64th street for about an hour, because the bus was late. During that time, i came up with the idea of, first, getting a beef empanada (delicious), and second, conducting a survey. First the survey started out with meaningless trivia, such as, "What is the name of our current president's father?". But then i wanted to do something interesting. The Question, "WHat is the most important thing in your life" arose, and was asked. Here are the answers.
-Persuit of Truth
-1st God, then Children (this one was one of the last)
-*Family* - most said answer
-Children * - Said a lot
-Quality of life
-Happiness (not said too much, i thought that interesting)
-Nothing of Value (said twice!)
-Relationships with everything**** - ill get back to that later-
-Alcohol, Sex and Drugs
-Empathy and Compassion
-Love * (Said a lot)
-Walk Away - with that famous New York blow off style
-Other People

Those were the New Yorkers, all of the answers written down on my arm b/c i didnt have paper. These Are the answers of my J Studs Class:

-Holy Community - Kehillah Kedosha
-Judaism - said by two people
-Don't know YET - i emphasise the Yet - its important.

The answer i agree with most is the relationships with everyting. The woman who told it to me said it, and i was like, "ok, with friends and family and your boyfriend/girlfriends...", and she said, "not just that", and i said, "yeah, i got it, like with God and everything", to which she responded, "no, like your relationship with that bracelet, or with your shoes, EVERYTHING, thats the most important thing in my life".

I like that.

PS. Somp was Amazing.
PPS. I Got to see my good friend Adam from Israel, and hung out for a while, it was nice.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


What is it...monday?, tuesday acutally, my bad. Its tuesday and i am supremely tired. It's maybe 97 degrees today, with about 87% humidity, making walking much like wading through a swamp.

Rachel Wolman, Wolf, DRC, Jeremy and I decided to pull a prank, which involved a nighttime seniors '08 Dance Party in the tennis courts. Also, to prevent geese deficating on the Kutz Campus's grounds, black wooden wolves were set up to scare them. We decided to put swimming suits on them, and also chalk up all of the walkways with various 'senior' statements. We had everything cleared, with our RA's, and Shmirah (night watch), but it was suggested by one of the faculty to not wake people up at 12:45 at night, but at 5 in the morning. I opposed this idea, but i figured, whatevvs. So we go to sleep, and at 4 in the morning, Zi, DRC and I got up and woke WOlf and other people up. As it got lighter, we got some more people to the tennis courts, and Mar and i decided to wake up the Bayit's, which involved me going into the boys cabins and waking them up and inviting them to the dance party in a nice, yet loud way. Needless to say that werent too enthused with the idea of a crazy man disturbing their slumber and making them go outside at an ungodly hour. one particular phrase i heard while in there was, "GET THE #### OUT OF MY CABIN, I'M GOING TO ####### KILL YOU BENNY!". Simple yet eloquent. Thats when i left. I guess i got carried away a little bit because i forgot the rule that participants arent allowed into other participants cabins.
In the end, we got like 30 people or something, but it was kinda a lame prank. I claim full responsibility for the actions took, but not a lot for the general ideas. I ended up with all of B5 and B6 hating me, and 2 or 3 people chasing me around for 'bout a half an hour, with the intent to harm. A chase is not the first thing i want to do with regard to the weather.
Next in my day of tiredness, i go to the Tower for 3 hours, climbing and belaying, without respite. <-- probaly spelled that wrong.
I gotta go do things, hopefully i got a package.

PS - my day is nothing compared to the AVodah, so any Avodaniks who read this, i hope you understand that i get how hard it is for you - thanks!

Rollin Out

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Im Halacha C'moti

Break during J Studs

The URJ Kutz Campus for Reform Jewish Teen Life was just turned upside down, completely. We were forced to re-assess and define what our views on T'fillah and services were.

A visiting Faculty Member, Composer Mark Bloom, led evening weekday services yesterday. We had felt his presence a Little bit earlier on in the session with his 'musical stylings through the venue of his keyboard and pre-set beats. People viewed his musical input as somewhat sacrilegious, although no real hubbub was made, maybe a, "who was that guy with the keyboard?".

So, with a few disciples, most of whom are friends of mine, he decided to do services on a 'jazz' theme, inclusive of his keyboard, a microphone, a drum and some guitars. Beginning of the services were awkward, with people confused as to whether or not to clap after a song and such. When some of the hard-hitting prayers came up - such as the Amidah, the Chatzi kaddish, and the shemah, people were shocked to hear jazz stylings in the background, and prayers cut short for the sake a new song.

This made an uproar, which was exemplified by people, individually, getting up and leaving the services. People were offended to say the least. At some point in the service, the NFTY North American President got up and quietly told people he was leading alternative services in the bathroom.

By the end of the service, I'd say about 48% of the population was gone, leaving the rest to talk amongst themselves about the various outrages against Judaism that this service was committing. Also, afterward, our evening program was a sort of family feud/American idol thing, in which people were given the chance to sing - acapella - and be judged by celebrity judges, and during the singing Mr. Bloom deemed it necessary to add background music.

Personally, i found his service disrespectful to T'filah and prayer. That is NOT, and i repeat, NOT to say that he deserves disrespect in return. I have no qualms with those who left the service, i had to leave during the Aleinu, even though i don't stand during it, because i don't like what it says, it still deserves to be respected. An Eye for an Eye, disrespect for disrespect, does not work in this case. The minion in the bathroom was the right thing, at the wrong time.

They say that to shame someone is to kill them, and i think that no more K'vetching is needed.

Our J-Law class prompted us to think, what are our boundaries in the context of T'filah, as in, what is appropriate, and what is our breaking point. Here's a good question:

say the SHemah 2x a day
DOn't mix meat and milk
light the shabbat candles
separation btwn men and women


I brought up Bava Metziah 59 b in the conversation - one of my favorite Jewish Texts, one of the bases of Judaism. In it, Rabbi Eliazer says, "Im Halacha C'moti" - if Halacha is as i say it is - then, a carab tree will be uprooted, and a stream will reverse its flow, and the voice of God, the Bat Kol, will speak up for me, all of which happened. How can one argue that Halacha is not as Rav Eliazer says it is? Rabbi Joshua has an answer, "Lo Ba-shamiem He", It is not in the heavens. To which God laughs and says, "my children have defeated me, my children have defeated me". The nimshal, or moral of this story is that Halacha is every changing, ever evolving, and can never be set as one thing. Halacha is as i say it is.

What is your Halacha?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How Many?

Yes, Mom, were you here, you would be telling me, "You shoulda___", but i didnt, so now i have a cold. Not dabilitating, but annoying enough to test my patience. NO matter, back to the subject. How many people can say they have gotten Anat Hoffman to back down? not too many, im sure, but i'm one of the few, the proud, the naggy.

After a disturbing complaint from my friend that Anat had made a point that certain people should not wear Tzit Tzit (which my friend does), i decided to talk to "the Hoffman". She is, needless to say, intimidating, because of her hard-headedness, and her drive, yet still, the fearless (and humble) person that i am, i decided to approach her.

"anat, do you think women should wear Tzit Tzit?"
i don't remember her exact response, but it was along the lines of - if someone is not consistent in waking up for shacharit, and wearing t'fillin, and all that jazz, then that couldn't possibly mean they are serious and have the ability to fully appreciate the mitzvah of wearing Tzit Tzit. This is a valid point, but i responsed, "says who?".

I guess this got her and she said, "ok, you're right ZImmerman, i might have been thinking wrongly in the time i said it beforehand".


Also, interesting part of "how do you say Tikkun Olam in Hebrew" - the Elective that i have with Anat, she was baffled as to the lack of celebration and festivity for 4th of July. She brings up a point. Yes, this is a Jewish Camp, for Jewish Leadership, but still - this is AMERICA. where are the fireworks, where is the pledge of allegiance? - Yes, there are miniscule american flags posted variously around camp, and yes, there is a movie called "independance Day" playing - mind you, it's about aliens taking over, and its playing during our free time. Canada Day got more publicity.

The MinHash - the daily collection of articles and announcements handed out during lunch - doesn't mention the significance of the day, except for the date on the top left corner, right next to the hebrew word of the day - Balagan - a mess.

I'm not too bent out of shape about this, but its something to ponder.

I'monna go try to get some rest.

Why arent i eating lunch?

Back from Hineni - Jewish Ritual. I'm not too enthused with this class, as it had 4 participants, not including the ever changing teacher. Although, an interesting idea was posed today: Ritual vs. Routine. ENough on that subject.

I've been writing - notes, journal entries, and i think it would be a good idea to put them on the internet. Too bad i have to go eat now, but later i might post some stuff.

4th of July, and i'm feeling patriotic

At the insistance of Rachel Wolman, and my own need to write, i have created a Kutz Blog.  Its 11:44 Am here at the URJ Kutz camp for Reform Jewish Teen Life.  Today is Maccabia, or Color Wars, in which the whole camp is divided into divisions of Red, Blue, Green and Yellow, to engage in friendly yet competetitive competition (redundant?).  At the end of maccabia, a team is crowned winner, based on the points system.  Points are awarded as a result winning games, spirit, and team attractiveness (my team totally wins).

I find myself wearing rainbow pants, red underwear outside of them, a multicolored towel as a cape, a red 'hug?' hat, a red cup taped to my leg (with red duct tape), and my pants tucked stylishly into my socks.

J-Studs has just ended, which never ceases to question my beliefs and ideas.  In studying the 'torah' section of the CCAR Statement of Principles, we were given 30 minutes and prompted to answer the question, "what does it mean and how do we know God Loves Us"?.  Because i think im coming down with a cold, i decided to go against the norm and stay in the library instead of go outside and ponder.  I came up with the following answer:

What Does it mean "God Loves Us?"

First - This forces us to think of OUR definition of God
Second - It asks us what our relationship w/ OG (Our God) is
Third - How do we KNOW God Loves us?

My answer:

1.  An unknown connection between every person, place and thing, which binds us all together (slightly bouberistic)
2.  I get in touch w/ MG(my God) through moments of self realization, and any time i think  the thought, "you/I/That  Is/Are/Am Holy"
3.  B/c I see the love btwn Friends, Family, Nature, all of whivh are functioning units of God.

Other Answers are:
    -God Is, We Are
    - Just like my parents make me look things up instead of telling me the answer, God gaves us the Torah to look up our answers.

It's time to go to 1st elective now, "hineini - Jewish Ritual".

Baller Out